simple programs to ask
#SUM of Digits
#No of Seconds in a year
#Server IP address
#MIN/MAX of two
#Allocation and deallocation of mem
Pointer to int
Array of pointers
Pointer to an array
Struct and Union
Function Pointers
BitWise Operators
how bitwise operators are used in error status flags. ( check declaring bits for particular err, setting more than one error, reading what error occured, clearing the error)
Misc Quetions
#Static, Extern vars and functions scopes
#How do u copy two structs
#Linked lists
If he answers 3 out 5 for above questions(except link list) then ask below to judge the depth
#Program to eliminate the duplicate elements in array. (Chk array init syntax, loops, function fomal args)
#Program to reverse the array without using the temp storage array
#Sort array using bubble sort and search using binary.
#Fibonacci Or factorial using recursion. ( Good if he explains the stack flow b/w normal function and recursion)
If he answers 1 of above good to go deeper
#List list - Create, add the end, add at the begining, delete, sort
if he is 5+ then ask classical typical interview question like
Dictionary creation - Chk the approach, Data structure building, tree formation, binary search on trees. ( This is good enough to discuss for 2 hrs)
C++ Questions
# what is constructor and destructor - usage , declaration
# Can we overload cons and desc - why do we do so ?
# What are virtual function - usage ?
# Is it possible to ve virtual cons/dest - If no why ?
#scope - public, private and protected.
# Friend function and usage ..
# Different types of inheritance.
# Define a class and member functions to add and ask add to overload for any data type . (Chk class , object, functions, logic)
#what r pure virtual class .. - usage.
Operating system
# Memory Laypout of a program
# Job of OS. - how in between
# Difference b/w process and thread.
# IPC ( pipe, msg queques, shared memory, sockets )
# Socket programming : client side calls and server side calls ( Y for the difference)
# Virtual Memory concepts
Network questions
# TCP/IP 3 way hand shake
# MAC / IP address conversion
Friday, June 10, 2011
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